‘Tis the Season for Salty Toffee


This post is a special shout-out to my mother.

To any of you “cool” kids out there who get embarrassed when your mother sings your praises to the world: rather consider yourselves blessed.

If it weren’t for my mother, I wouldn’t be fulfilling an order for Christmas favours for a lady who owns a local café.

In fact, I owe quite a few of my clients to my mother’s marketing skills.

Thanks, E’ma!

One week until Christmas!

“Whip it. Whip it good.”

Does This Quinoa Make My Feet Run Fast?


Quinoa. Deceptively like a grain in both appearance & function, it is actually an edible seed. In terms of fuel (it is a complex carb with a generous dose of protein), it can often serve as a substitute for grains.

Quinoa comes from a grasslike plant that, some argue, more closely relates to spinach & beet root, than to – say – wheat or oats.

After millennia of cultivation & consumption, & the determined efforts of teams of professional thinkers, quinoa still eludes classification.

Still & all, obligingly, I partake.

The Ancient Incas are the first we know of to have exploited the benefits of Quinoa, & even considered the plant sacred.

Many professional athletes today follow the example of South American runners, who sometimes used quinoa to fuel cross-country treks. (<– I'll take their word for it, because my short-distance treadmill runs are just "fine & dandy, thank you!")


Aside from its many laudable nutritional advantages, I love the versatility of quinoa. Soups, salads, & serials… Just seeing if you’re paying attention… Sweet or savoury. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Spring, Summer, Fall, & Winter. Add a different veggie, a different spice. heck! Change the bowl you serve it in! And it worthily adapts to the season or the dish.

My absolute favourite is my sister’s Quinoa Salad. Although there are several variations, her recipe is consistently Tex-Mex & power-packed. Not only do the spices make our taste buds sing, but each element is refreshing & adds dimension to the salad.

Roasted spiced pumpkin. Loads of Hass Avocados. Berlotti beans. Cold & crisp Bell peppers. Lime. Goat Cheese. Etc. Etc. Etc.!

The possibilities are unlimited.

Contrary to popular opinion, healthful food doesn’t have to compromise flavour!

“Whip it. Whip it good.”